
About Jean Atkinson Andrews

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So far Jean Atkinson Andrews has created 573 blog entries.

Beth A. Stahr, CG®, MLS – “Using Historical Fiction and Social History to Support Your Narrative”

"Using Historical Fiction & Social History to Support Your Narrative" Presented by Beth A. Stahr, CG®, MLS By Mary O’Brien Vid [...]

2019-08-17T14:55:45-04:00August 17th, 2019|Education|Comments Off on Beth A. Stahr, CG®, MLS – “Using Historical Fiction and Social History to Support Your Narrative”

BCG to host Joy Reisinger Lecture Series: Six FREE Webinars on 6 September 2019

Joy Reisinger The Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) will host six free webinars live from the Family History Library [...]

2019-08-14T11:00:36-04:00August 14th, 2019|BCG News, Webinars|Comments Off on BCG to host Joy Reisinger Lecture Series: Six FREE Webinars on 6 September 2019

Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG®, CGL℠ “Writing the Family Narrative: A Strategy for Breaking Down Brick Walls”

“Writing the Family Narrative: A Strategy for Breaking Down Brick Walls” Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG®, CGL℠ by Darcie Hin [...]

2019-08-17T14:18:51-04:00August 10th, 2019|Education|Comments Off on Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG®, CGL℠ “Writing the Family Narrative: A Strategy for Breaking Down Brick Walls”

Cari A. Taplin, “Family History Piecework: An Approach to Writing”

“Family History Piecework: An Approach to Writing” Presented by Cari A. Taplin, CG® Reviewed by Darcie Hind Posz, CG® NOTE [...]

2019-07-31T13:57:39-04:00August 3rd, 2019|Education|Comments Off on Cari A. Taplin, “Family History Piecework: An Approach to Writing”

Associates In Action – July 2019

The Board for Certification of Genealogists congratulates the following associates on their successful credential renewal: Jean At [...]

2019-07-31T13:43:57-04:00August 1st, 2019|Associate News, New Associates|Comments Off on Associates In Action – July 2019

BCG FREE WEBINAR, “Ten Tools for Genealogical Writing,” by Harold Henderson, CG®

Tuesday, 20 August, 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time Genealogists love to research, but writing it up—not so much. First, we need to r [...]

2019-07-29T16:33:14-04:00July 30th, 2019|Webinars|Comments Off on BCG FREE WEBINAR, “Ten Tools for Genealogical Writing,” by Harold Henderson, CG®

Elizabeth Shown Mills – Context: A Powerful Tool for Problem-Solving

“Context: A Powerful Tool for Problem-Solving” Presented by Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG®, CGL℠, FASG Reviewed by Scott Wil [...]

2019-07-16T12:14:32-04:00July 27th, 2019|Education|Comments Off on Elizabeth Shown Mills – Context: A Powerful Tool for Problem-Solving

Nancy A. Peters – Reporting on Research: Standards Encourage Better Communication

“Reporting on Research: Standards Improve Better Communication” Presented by Nancy A. Peters, CG®, CGL℠ Reviewed by Jill Mor [...]

2019-07-16T12:15:18-04:00July 20th, 2019|Education|Comments Off on Nancy A. Peters – Reporting on Research: Standards Encourage Better Communication

Associates In Action – June 2019

The Board for Certification of Genealogists congratulates the following associates on their successful credential renewal: Dana Pa [...]

2019-07-02T10:06:12-04:00July 2nd, 2019|BCG News|Comments Off on Associates In Action – June 2019

FREE BCG WEBINAR, “Lesser Used Records for Research in the Netherlands,” by Yvette Hoitink, CG®

Tuesday, 16 July 2019, at 2 p.m., U.S. Eastern Daylight Time. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A DIFFERENT TIME THAN MOST BCG WEBINARS. Th [...]

2019-07-01T09:41:24-04:00July 1st, 2019|Webinars|Comments Off on FREE BCG WEBINAR, “Lesser Used Records for Research in the Netherlands,” by Yvette Hoitink, CG®

Associates In Action – May 2019

The Board for Certification of Genealogists congratulates the following associates on their successful credential renewal: Nedra D [...]

2019-06-16T12:45:09-04:00June 1st, 2019|Associate News|Comments Off on Associates In Action – May 2019

BCG will use newly revised Genealogy Standards for evaluation effective 15 May 2019

The Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) has announced the standards manual it recently revised to address use of DNA wil [...]

2019-05-16T09:32:14-04:00May 16th, 2019|Announcements|Comments Off on BCG will use newly revised Genealogy Standards for evaluation effective 15 May 2019


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