Tuesday, 20 August, 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
Genealogists love to research, but writing it up—not so much. First, we need to read good writing (any kind). Then, practice writing in two separate compartments: write as it comes and return later to fix or edit. Don’t worry about beginnings or endings; they will emerge over time. Seek out helpful critics, never wait until the last minute, and be ready to learn from editors. These are some key takeaways from Harold Henderson’s upcoming webinar.
The Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) in conjunction with Legacy Family Tree will present “Ten Tools for Genealogical Writing” by Harold Henderson, CG®, live and free to the public at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, 20 August 2019. In order to accommodate those who might have schedule conflicts, the webinar can be accessed at no charge for a week after the broadcast.

Harold Henderson, CG®, has been a professional writer since 1979, a professional genealogist since 2009, and a board-certified genealogist since 2012. His research focuses on the Midwest and its feeder states. He has served on the board of the Association of Professional Genealogists and as a trustee of the Board for Certification of Genealogists. With Kimberly Powell, he developed and taught the five-day institute course, “From Confusion to Conclusion,” on writing proof arguments. He has lectured nationally and published more than 100 genealogy articles (www.midwestroots.net/misc1). His family histories for portions of the Bassett, Berry, Mozley, Scholes, Ackerson, Lowe, Flint, Thrall, and James families are in varying stages of completion and publication—but at any given time he would probably rather be reading a grantor index.
“We are pleased to sponsor high-quality educational webinars by BCG associates,” said President Rick Sayre, CG®, CGL℠, FUGA. “The Board for Certification of Genealogists promotes public confidence in genealogy by supporting uniform standards of competence. These webinars are part of our effort to provide educational opportunities to family historians of all levels of experience.”
Register for “Ten Tools for Genealogical Writing” by Harold Henderson, CG®, before 20 August 2019. BCG receives a commission if you register by clicking our affiliate link: http://legacy.familytreewebinars.com/?aid=2619. To see and register for the full list of BCG-sponsored webinars for 2019, visit the BCG blog SpringBoard at https://bcgcertification.org/bcg-webinars-2019/.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. For more information contact: .
For access to all BCG webinars, see the BCG Library at Legacy Family Tree Webinars at http://legacy.familytreewebinars.com/?aid=2619. Again, BCG receives a commission if you register by clicking and buying via our affiliate link. For information on BCG’s education opportunities, please visit: https://bcgcertification.org/learning/education/.
The words Certified Genealogist and letters CG are registered certification marks, and the designations CGL and Certified Genealogical Lecturer are service marks of the Board for Certification of Genealogists®, used under license by board certificants after periodic evaluation.