Judy G. Russell JD CG CGL

BCG Application Portfolios at Jamboree and IGHR; FGS Early Bird Deadline

By Elissa Scalise Powell, CG®, CGL℠ President, BCG This week is quite busy for those attending the Southern California J [...]

2018-05-15T09:52:18-04:00June 6th, 2013|BCG News|Comments Off on BCG Application Portfolios at Jamboree and IGHR; FGS Early Bird Deadline

BCG Skillbuilding at NGS 2013: Barbara Mathews on “Not Quite Right: Recognizing Errors”

© 2013 by the National Genealogical Society, Inc. Used by permission of the National Genealogical Society and the photographer, S [...]

2018-05-15T09:52:19-04:00May 13th, 2013|Conferences and Workshops|Comments Off on BCG Skillbuilding at NGS 2013: Barbara Mathews on “Not Quite Right: Recognizing Errors”

BCG Skillbuilding at NGS 2013: Warren Bittner on “Proof Arguments: How and Why?”

Please welcome guest blogger Judy G. Russell, CGSM, CGLSM  If we fail to establish identity and prove relationships, then -- says [...]

2018-05-15T09:52:19-04:00May 11th, 2013|Conferences and Workshops|Comments Off on BCG Skillbuilding at NGS 2013: Warren Bittner on “Proof Arguments: How and Why?”

BCG Skillbuilding at NGS 2013: Harold Henderson on “Are We There Yet? Proof and the Genealogy Police”

Please welcome guest blogger Judy G. Russell, CGSM, CGLSM  Harold Henderson, CG, an Indiana-based professional genealogist, used a [...]

2018-05-15T09:52:19-04:00May 11th, 2013|Conferences and Workshops|Comments Off on BCG Skillbuilding at NGS 2013: Harold Henderson on “Are We There Yet? Proof and the Genealogy Police”

BCG Luncheon at NGS 2013: Judy Russell on “Blackguards and Black Sheep: The Lighter Side of the Law”

Please welcome guest blogger Diane Gravel, CGSM. Inviting the audience to take a moment to think about the police and court record [...]

2018-05-15T09:52:19-04:00May 10th, 2013|Conferences and Workshops|Comments Off on BCG Luncheon at NGS 2013: Judy Russell on “Blackguards and Black Sheep: The Lighter Side of the Law”

IGHR Registration Opens Tuesday

BCG has had a long-standing relationship with the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR) held for one week in June [...]

2018-05-15T09:52:46-04:00January 18th, 2013|Announcements|Comments Off on IGHR Registration Opens Tuesday


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