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Nicole LaRueMarks and signatures can be highly effective tools when researchers are attempting to untangle the identities of our forebears. But how do you know whether the signature in front of you is original? Can you still use it as evidence in your case even if it’s not? These questions and more are answered by looking at the fundamental concepts of source and evidence analysis. Once you know how to evaluate your sources, we’ll go over a few records to look at when searching for those marks and signatures in your own research. And finally, we’ll look at some examples of published articles which incorporate the use of marks and signatures.

Presenter: Nicole Gilkison LaRue, CG, is a full-time professional genealogist with articles in NGS Magazine and NGSQ. Nicole has served on the board of directors of the Association of Professional Genealogists and has presented at national conferences, in addition to teaching at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG). Special interests include researching women, “brick-wall” obstacles, and paleography.

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