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Beginner genealogists often research their surname origins first, and get stuck at a certain point. The skills needed to surmount these early brick walls come in time, with study and practice, and the increasing availability of DNA and online resources. In this webinar, Shellee describes her brick wall ancestor, Samuel Morehead, of Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana, and the techniques that she used to identify his parentage and place of origin. Sticky problems like this require a variety of approaches including Y-DNA analysis, the FAN club, tax, land and court records, censuses, historical analysis and mapping techniques, to name a few. She will detail the clues acquired from all of these methods as she developed an hypothesis to satisfy the Genealogical Proof Standard.

Presenter: Shellee Morehead, PhD, CG

Shellee Morehead, PhD, CG, has a Ph.D. in evolutionary ecology from the University of Utah and is an associate professor of Biology at the New England Institute of Technology. She was certified by BCG in 2012, and researches, writes and lectures on family history.

Her specialties include Rhode Island, Italian, and French-Canadian research and genetic genealogy. She is an associate of the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG), a member of the Rhode Island Genealogical Society, American-French Genealogical Society, and a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) New England Chapter.

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