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How do you know when you have genealogical proof? You apply the Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS) to your completed research. The GPS is how genealogists test conclusions–whether it is your research or other people’s research. Recognize why meeting the GPS is essential and when it is appropriate. Learn about the five interdependent components of the GPS. Understanding the GPS and being able to apply it will hone your research skills.

Presenter: Shannon Green is a genealogy researcher, writer, and educator. She started looking into her ancestry in 2010 and has been debunking family lore, overturning family traditions, and wrecking the idealized version of her family history ever since. Her research is primarily focused on extending her female lines. She earned the Certified Genealogist credential in 2017 and renewed her credential in 2022. Shannon serves as a trustee for the Board for Certification of Genealogists and as a trustee for the BCG Education Fund and is a former instructor for Boston University’s Genealogy Principles course. Her articles have been published in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, the NYG&B Record, and the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, and the National Genealogical Society Magazine, among others. She has an undergraduate degree from Duke University and an MBA from Vanderbilt University. Shannon lives in Greenwood Village, Colorado with her husband and three children.

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