OnBoard: Newsletter of the Board for Certification of Genealogists is scheduled to publish in May 2018. We’re pleased to offer a preview of some of its content.

“Avoiding Common Portfolio Pitfalls”

Are you interested in BCG certification, contemplating going “on the clock,” or currently assembling your portfolio? Laurel T. Baty, CG, explains how no portfolio is perfect and even successful ones have shortcomings. Understanding weaknesses shown in unsuccessful portfolios can help you avoid some common missteps made by others. She offers advice to improve chances for a successful outcome.

“Connecting the Dots Through Evidence Summaries”

Solving difficult research problems requires collecting, assembling, and evaluating information relevant to a question. To meet standards of thorough research, genealogists often end up with numerous evidence items to evaluate.[1] Amy Larner Giroux, PhD, CG, CGL, describes how creating evidence summaries during the research process can help connect the dots between the pieces of evidence to form a path to a reliable conclusion.

OnBoard publishes three issues per year. A subscription is included in annual associate fees and is provided to applicants “on the clock.” Subscriptions are also available to the general public for $15.00 per year (currently) by sending an email to the BCG office office@bcgcertification.org. Issues back to 1995 can also be ordered online.


[1] Board for Certification of Genealogists, Genealogy Standards (Nashville, Tenn: Ancestry.com, 2014), 1–2 for reasonably exhaustive research.

The words Certified Genealogist and letters CG are registered certification marks, and the designations CGL and Certified Genealogical Lecturer are service marks of the Board for Certification of Genealogists®, used under license by board certificants after periodic evaluation.