“Certification: Measuring Yourself Against Standards”

Thursday, 5 May 2016, 9:30am to noon, Sessions T211 and T221

Jeanne Larzalere Bloom, CG

Michael Ramage, JD, CG

Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL

The BCG Certification Seminar will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Thursday, 5 May 2016, at the National Genealogical Society’s 2016 Family History Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. During this interactive seminar Jeanne Larzalere Bloom, CG, Michael S. Ramage, JD, CG, and Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL, trustees and members of BCG’s executive committee, will demystify the certification process and answer questions like, “Am I ready?” and “Can I do this?”

Certification is open to every genealogist whose work meets standards. Among those certified by BCG are genealogists who study their own family history, researchers who specialize in a particular surname, and professionals who conduct research (for a fee or pro bono) for other genealogists, attorneys, geneticists, biographers, and academics in many fields. They include teachers at all levels; writers and editors of books, journal articles, and newspaper columns; speakers at local, regional, and national conferences; employees of private and government agencies; lineage and genealogical society volunteers; and librarians and archivists.

How do I know if I am ready to apply? Practicing genealogy is often a solitary endeavor. Knowing when we produce work that consistently meets standards is often the hardest part of self-evaluation. There is no one right way to prepare for certification. Successful applicants come from all walks of life. They usually demonstrate some combination of focused genealogical education and experience.

If you are curious about certification and what is required to earn the post-nominal title of Certified Genealogist, these are the sessions for you. Part 1 of the BCG Certification Seminar begins at 9:30 a.m. The focus is on the organization, preparing for certification, and the application process. At 10:30 a.m. there is a half-hour break. Part 2 begins at 11:00 a.m. The focus is on the elements of a portfolio and strategies for compiling a successful portfolio.

BCG wants applicants for certification to succeed! Successful applicants often say that their attendance at certification seminars at national conferences was an integral part of preparing for their accomplishment. The seminars will be recorded and available for purchase.

We look forward to seeing you in Fort Lauderdale!

The words Certified Genealogist are a registered certification mark, and the designations CG, CGL, and Certified Genealogical Lecturer are service marks of the Board for Certification of Genealogists®, used under license by board certificants after periodic evaluation.