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Alice Hoyt VeenFrom the Old Northwest to the Hawaiian Islands, the United States has acquired and settled new lands. If your ancestor pioneered pre-statehood territories, they may have left records valuable to documenting and understanding their lives. Discussion includes a timeline of territorial settlement and governance, and strategies for locating and using territorial records.

Presenter: Alice Hoyt Veen, CG, is a board-certified genealogist and full-time professional researcher and educator. She is a sixth-generation Iowan whose genealogical specialties include Midwestern and territorial research, land records and military history. Alice serves as a trustee for the BCG Education Fund, an independent non-profit charitable trust, advancing the educational aims of the Board for Certification of Genealogists. Her website, www.prairierootsresearch.com, features a blog dedicated to Iowa genealogical and historical topics..

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