Pinkston, Gale B., JD, CG®

Mailing Address
3525 West Campbell Rd., Lakeland, FL 33810
Contact Email
J.D. (law degree); M.S.W. (Master of Social Work).
Geographic Specialties
Southern U.S. with emphasis upon areas in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
Research Specialties
Southern U.S. with emphasis upon African Americans.
Accepts Clients
Certified Genealogist® – CG®
Cert. No.
Cert. Date
11 November 2021
Note: Contact information for emeritus and retired associates is provided as a courtesy; these individuals have retired from research for clients. For currently-active associates, the Certification Date is that of initial certification; associates are retested every five years. Because all research credentials were consolidated to reflect the CG credential in 2005, any prior certification categories are also noted.