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Many federal records pertain to the development and use of waterways in the United States. This lecture shows examples and explains the relevance of some of the applicable records found at the National Archives in Washington, DC, in its online holdings, and at its regional facilities like Chicago, Atlanta, Kansas City, and others. Photos and documents will be examined from diverse NARA record groups; for example, Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers (RG 77), Records of the Inland Waterways Corporation (RG 91), and Records of the Bureau of Land Management (RG 49). Other examples come from holdings of the Library of Congress Serial Set and map collections. The process for finding these and similar records will also be explained.


Presenter: Pamela Boyer Sayre, CG, CGL

Pamela Boyer Sayre, CG, CGL, FUGA, is a professional researcher, educator, author, and lecturer. She has developed, coordinated, and taught courses at the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research since 2007. She co-coordinates and teaches in the Researching in Washington, DC, without Leaving Home and the advanced land course at Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy and the advanced land course at Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh. She has taught in Boston University’s Professional Certificate Program in Genealogy. Pam is former NGS director of education and publications, former board member of NGS and FGS, co-author of Online Roots: How to Discover Your Family’s History and Heritage with the Power of the Internet (2003) and Research in Missouri (1999, 2007), former FGS FORUM Digitools columnist, and a former editor of APGQ. She is a popular seminar presenter who has spoken at genealogy conferences and seminars nationwide and on international cruises.

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