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After 12 years in the missing heir field, Claire’s seen it all, experiencing both the high highs and the very low lows. This webinar will introduce you to the roller-coaster world of missing heir research; detailing a contentious case, the problems with making assumptions and how to get to the truth.



Presenter: Claire Ammon, CG

Claire’s introduction to genealogy began when she started working for a missing heir company in 2008. This job took her all around Connecticut, to probate courts, town clerks offices and libraries. She became good at teasing out information from records and combined this with extensive online research to locate missing heirs and beneficiaries quickly. Soon she became the senior researcher, working on the biggest cases, writing reports for courts and coordinating genealogists nationally and internationally to assist with research. Since 2013 she has been utilizing her forensic genealogy skills through her work on U.S. Army military repatriation cases and since 2016 has been working for a Florida based missing heir company, heading their billable department.

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