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SpringBoard: the Blog of BCG

2013 Call for Nominations

| BCG News
Under BCG Bylaws, one-third of the trustees are elected each year to serve three-year terms. The 2013 nominating committee requests suggestions for candidates to place on this year's slate. Suggest...

Welcome from the BCG Treasurer

| BCG News
By Jeanne Larzalere Bloom, CG®Welcome to BCG’s blog! I serve as treasurer of BCG, probably because in a previous life I worked as a banker and a financial planning analyst. As a nascent genealogist...

Welcome from E. C. Member at Large

| BCG News
By Stefani Evans, CG®Welcome to the BCG blog! I am Stefani Evans, a BCG trustee and member at large of the executive committee. I first sought BCG certification because I wanted to know whether my ...

Welcome from the Secretary

| BCG News
By Dawne Slater-Putt, CG®Greetings! I would like to take my turn to welcome you to BCG's newly-established blog. My name is Dawne Slater-Putt, CG, and I currently serve as the Board’s recording...

Change to Fees

| BCG News
At the May 2012 board meeting BCG's trustees voted to change the preliminary application fee to $75 as of January 1, 2013, and the final application fee to $300.It is also BCG's policy to not chang...

Welcome from the V. P.

| BCG News
By Michael S. Ramage, J.D., CG®My name is Michael S. Ramage, J.D., Certified GenealogistSM. I am a full-time, professional genealogist located in the Philadelphia suburbs. I engage in gen...

Welcome to SpringBoard!

| BCG News
The Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) is launching this blog to help communicate information that the public may be interested in learning about the Board, about genealogical standards,...