Under BCG Bylaws, one-third of the trustees are elected each year to serve three-year terms. The 2013 nominating committee requests suggestions for candidates to place on this year’s slate. Suggestions must be received by 1 May 2013.

Nominees placed on the ballot will be associates whose standards of work are exemplary and who contribute balance to the Board’s composition, geographically and administratively. The most commonly needed auxiliary skills include accounting, database management, editing, law, marketing, and writing. Individuals suggested to serve on the committee must be willing to fulfill the duties expected of all trustees, specifically:

  • To serve for three years and participate in a  wide range of Board activities involving many volunteer hours;
  • To attend the Board’s midyear meeting held at the annual National Genealogical Society conference in the spring; and
  • To attend the annual meeting of the Board, generally held in October in Salt Lake City.

Trustees serve without compensation and are expected to pay their own travel and related meeting expenses.

The five trustees whose terms expire at the end of the 2013 annual meeting are CindyLee Butler Banks, AG, CGSM, of Nebraska, Warren Bittner, CGSM, of Utah (finishing out the term of Christine Rose, CGSM, CGLSM, FASG, of California), Dawne Slater-Putt, CGSM, of Indiana, Michael S. Ramage, CGSM, of Pennsylvania, and Victor S. Dunn, CGSM, of Virginia.

Suggestions for candidates, with a short description of their special skills, should be made by 1 May 2013 to Elizabeth Shown Mills at eshown@comcast.net.

Elizabeth Shown Mills, CGSM, CGLSM, FASG, Chair
Kathleen W. Hinckley, CGSM
J. Mark Lowe, CGSM