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Donald Mosher Award for Colonial Virginia Research Opens 2024 Applications
The BCG Education Fund invites applications for the 2024 Donald Mosher Award, given in recognition of outstanding Colonial Virginia research. The Donald Mosher Award is an annual $500 grant establi...
Board for Certification of Genealogists® 2022 Sluby Scholarships for African American Students Announced
The Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) is pleased to announce three winners of Paul E. Sluby African American Scholarships for 2022. Scholarships will allow winners to attend one of five...
The Board for Certification of Genealogists Selects 2021–2022 Officers and Welcomes Trustees
At its semi-annual meeting held virtually on 4 October 2021, the Board of Trustees of the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) elected officers for the coming year. Elected were:President:...
Donald Mosher Award for Colonial Virginia Research Opens 2022 Applications
The BCG Education Fund invites applications for the 2022 Donald Mosher Award, given in recognition of outstanding Colonial Virginia research. The Donald Mosher Award is an annual $500 grant establi...
Donald Mosher Award for Colonial Virginia Research Opens 2021 Applications
The BCG Education Fund invites applications for the 2021 Donald Mosher Award, given in recognition of outstanding Colonial Virginia research. The Donald Mosher Award is an annual $500 grant establi...
Board for Certification of Genealogists Releases African American Scholarship Application Deadline
Applications for scholarships for African Americans to participate in national genealogical institutes are due 8 September 2020, the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) announced today. I...
Donald Mosher Award for Colonial Virginia Research
The BCG Education Fund invites applications for the 2020 Donald Mosher Award, given in recognition of outstanding Colonial Virginia research. The Donald Mosher Award is an annual $500 grant establi...
BCG will use newly revised Genealogy Standards for evaluation effective 15 May 2019
The Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) has announced the standards manual it recently revised to address use of DNA will now be used for evaluation purposes.Effective 15 May 2019, new ap...