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New Board-Certified Genealogist: Darcie M. Hind Posz, Washington, D.C.
Darcie M. Hind Posz, CG
Darcie M. Hind Posz of Washington, D.C. has earned the credential of Certified GenealogistSM. The newest member of the Class of 2013, Darcie has been a professional genea...
Former BCG Vice President Joy Reisinger, RIP
Guest post by the Rev. Dr. David McDonald, CGSMIt is my sad duty to report that Joy Reisinger, Certified Genealogist Emeritus, died early Tuesday morning, 10 December 2013, in her hometown of Spart...
Early Bird Registration Ends October 31st for SLIG 2014 - Course 5 - Credentialing: Accreditation, Certification, or Both?
Last weekend in Salt Lake City we kicked-off celebrations of the 50th anniversaries of two credentials, those administered by the Board for Certification of Genealogists® and the Internat...