Announcement from the BCG Education Fund:

Eric Hedrick is the winner of the 2013 Donald Mosher Memorial Award for his digital publication Historical Documents from Augusta County, Virginia: Judgments. Sixth in his series on digitization of the county’s documents, it is expected to be available by 1 July 2013. The annual $500 Mosher Award rewards and funds scholarly colonial Virginia research. It is funded by Merrill Hill Mosher, CGSM, in honor of her late husband. Award criteria is available here. The annual deadline is 31 December. It is not too soon for interested genealogists to consider preparing a submission.

Upon being notified of his winning entry, Eric responded, “I’m thrilled beyond words. I really enjoy digitizing historic records, and being chosen to receive the Mosher Award validates my feelings of the work’s importance.”

Eric has published more than twenty-seven other CD-ROMs of historical document images, making available sources that traditionally are obscure and difficult to access. A thirty-year resident of Virginia, Eric’s research efforts focus on Virginia and West Virginia resources. Other works in progress are a Hedrick genealogy and a compilation of Virginia and West Virginia signature images. He recently discovered 1865 vital records of Pendleton County, West Virginia, and offers free viewing at his website. Eric serves as webmaster of the Pendleton County Historical Society and has instructed guitar and piano students for more than twenty years.

The BCG Education Fund, founded in 2000 as an independent non-profit charitable trust, advances the educational aims of the Board for Certification of Genealogists® by funding learning programs consistent with standards promulgated by the Board and by providing incentives for study and scholarly research in accordance with the Board’s standards.