Changes coming at BCG website

The website of the Board for Certification of Genealogists will be undergoing a major facelift and functionality upgrade in the next few days.



In addition to a modern look and feel, the new site will offer some critical features not available in the existing site, such as the ability to display properly on mobile devices (tablets and cellphones).

While we’re very excited about the new design, we’re also acutely aware that a change as big as this one will not be without glitches, and probably a lot of them to start with. The rollout of features will be in stages, with much of the public content coming first and content available only to Board-certified associates coming afterwards. As each stage is rolled out, we know we’ll have things that don’t work quite as we expected or wanted them to.

We ask for your patience and your understanding as we work through these inevitable glitches. We’ll be working diligently to correct things and get them working the way they should.

And we will ask for your help. Once the new site launches (and the first stage will go live by midnight on Wednesday, October 4), and you begin to investigate the new site, if you encounter a feature that really isn’t a feature but rather is a bug, please let us know. We’ve set up a special email account exclusively for these reports ( and ask you to use onlythat email for problem reports.

Thanks for your patience and your help as we move forward with 21st century tools!