Every ancestor, at every moment, occupied a specific, physical location. Maps decode and amplify the significance of those locations by providing context and background information. This heavily illustrated lecture shows examples of the map types best-suited to genealogy, and the syllabus provides links to quality online sources for those maps.
Because maps are visual they can often make a place more vivid and show our ancestors' lives in new ways. For example, maps show the land's fertility (soil map), the waterways (physical map), the closest courthouse (political map), and the neighboring farm's owner (cadastral map). Specialized maps can document battle history, locations of teen mothers, oceanic shipping routes, Chicago before and after the fire, and Africa's real size, to name only a few.
Maps, and other geographical tools, help with identify or relationship questions by augmenting or even starring in proof discussions. Proofs and case studies which relied on map evidence in rural and urban settings will be dissected and explained.
The Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) will present “Using Maps in Genealogical Research” by Sara A. Scribner, CG® free to the public at 8:00 p.m. EDT, 19 June 2018.

Following a first career as a research librarian, manager, and teacher, Sara A. Scribner, now owns Salt Lake-based Scribner Genealogy. Her articles have appeared in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly and the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly. She has lectured on the local, regional, and national level, most recently providing the 2017 Board for Certification of Genealogists' Education Fund Lecture "Make Your Case: Constructing and Writing Proof Discussions." She divides her own research activities between her mother's side, deep-south Confederates and her father's long time New Brunswick descendants of Loyalists.
President Rick Sayre, CG®, CGL℠, FUGA says, “Every month the Board for Certification of Genealogists offers a new webinar as part of an ongoing series that supports our mission to provide education for family historians. These webinars are presented by certified associates and offer a quality genealogical educational experience. The board promotes excellence in research and working to standards in an ethical manner.”
Register for “Using Maps in Genealogical Research” by Sara A. Scribner, CG®, before 19 June 2018. BCG receives a commission if you register by clicking our affiliate link: http://legacy.familytreewebinars.com/?aid=2619 .
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See the BCG Library at Legacy Family Tree Webinars at http://legacy.familytreewebinars.com/?aid=2619 for access to all BCG webinars. For more information on BCG’s education opportunities, please visit: https://bcgcertification.org/learning/education/. Again, BCG receives a commission if you register by clicking and buying via our affiliate link.
The words Certified Genealogist and letters CG are registered certification marks, and the designations CGL and Certified Genealogical Lecturer are service marks of the Board for Certification of Genealogists®, used under license by board certificants after periodic evaluation.