BCG will have an exhibit hall booth at several upcoming conferences to which the public is invited to visit. At all conferences access to the exhibit hall is free but registration is needed in order to see the lectures. Please click the Calendar of Events tab to see what events may be near you that BCG plans to attend. At the booth is information and actual successful portfolios, including a couple of new ones, that you may peruse in the designated area. The public is also welcome to sign up for BCG-sponsored conference luncheons and attend the BCG-sponsored Skillbuilding track at the NGS conference. See you there!

The following is from guest blogger Vic Dunn, CGSM

If you are a Board-certified genealogist and plan to attend the NGS Family History Conference in Las Vegas from  8 to 11 May 2013, please consider signing up to help staff the BCG booth in the exhibit hall. This is a great way to network, meet new associates, and promote BCG. Staffing the booth will be less complicated this year since BCG will no longer be selling merchandise at the booth. All book sales will be through Maia’s Books and further instructions will be provided as the conference approaches.

We will need two volunteers for each time slot. Please sign-up at

You can access the conference program at to plan around sessions you are lecturing for or plan to attend.

Thanks for your help, and I look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas!