Among those earning the credential of Certified GenealogistSM in 2013 is Melinda Daffin Henningfield of Oregon, a retired nurse practitioner, who holds a B.A. in history education and B.S. and M.S. degrees in nursing.
Melinda began her interest in genealogy at an early age. Her mother and grandmother regaled her almost daily with family lore. Armed with tall tales, a mourning pin from the 1700s, and an undocumented, undated, and anonymous pedigree chart outlining her Daffin ancestors to William the Conqueror, Melinda began her studies in genealogy.
After the National Genealogical Society’s Home Study Course, ProGen 13, the National Institute on Genealogical Research (NIGR), the British Institute, and numerous courses at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) and the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR), Melinda is slowly unraveling her family legends and separating fact from fiction. And, she adds, “The process of preparing a portfolio is a learning experience that exceeds any I have had.”
Melinda’s advice for those thinking about pursuing certification is straightforward: “Explore the website of the Board for Certification of Genealogists. The website contains everything needed for those thinking about certification.”
Her genealogical heroes include three former presidents of the Board for Certification of Genealogists: lecturer-educators Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG, and Thomas W. Jones, Ph.D., CG, CGL, FASG, who were among those she heard at her first NGS conference in 2008, and “have dedicated much of their lives to teaching others lessons they have learned about genealogy and genealogical methods,” and Connie Miller Lenzen, CG, who was the “list Mom” for Melinda’s NGS Home Study Course and who “has taught … through her example the importance of giving back to the genealogical community.”
Asked where she sees herself in five years, Melinda says she hopes to be puzzling over her Confederado ancestors and their life in Brazil.
We’re pleased to have this opportunity to introduce Melinda to the BCG community!