BCG - Why I Became Certified — Jay Fonkert (transcript)
I'm Jay Fonkert, a Board Certified genealogist from Saint Paul, Minnesota. I was first certified in 2007 and just recently have been going through the renewal process. Like most of us. I started out in genealogy as a raw beginner, just just a hobbyist, interested in my family history. After several years, I had the good fortune to attend a lecture by another board certified genealogist in Minnesota at one of our local family history centers. And he was talking about methodology. It was a real eye opener. I said, this, this is the kind of genealogy I want to do from that point forward. It was a matter of learning about BCG, attending more classes, attending my first national genealogy conference in Kansas City, and after hearing people like Alyssa Powell and Elizabeth Shown Mills speak, I knew for sure I had to go forward.
It was with some trepidation.
It's hard to know when you send in your send in your portfolio, if you were going to pass muster. But I had the good fortune several months later to receive an email from BCG telling me that I had been certified. And it was a very, very proud moment for me, being certified has given me entree to a community of professionals that I greatly admire who are role models for me and for me, that really has been the single greatest benefit of Being certified. So I encourage all of you who aspire to be professional quality genealogists to take that step, make the effort, put together your portfolio and join our professional genealogy community. You.